Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Net Neutrality

We are a generation born into the revised and worshiped media phenomenon: the Internet. We live in a time where we have the world at our fingertips – with our fingertips quickly tapping away at our keyboards. With search engines and websites like Google, Yahoo!, Youtube, Wikipedia, etc. there are slim to no reason why we should ever feel lost. The internet has become a safety guard for many; a comfort blanket, if you will. If a crowd of new friends begin to converse about a subject you are unfamiliar with, you need not worry! Google will help you out. If you meet a person of interest but are too nervous to ask for their number, Facebook will be a great way to ease into conversation. If in desperate need for a new song you’ve heard, limewire will always be there for you to go to. Right? Perhaps not for long. The internet that we have all grown to love has been indisputably taken for granted. We can go on the internet whenever we want, look at whatever we want, practically wherever we want. This is all possible because of Net Neutrality.

Network Neutrality is the guiding principle that preserves the free and open Internet. Net Neutrality means no discrimination
[1]. Net Neutrality is what lets us go on whichever site we want satisfying out wants and needs. This is what has made the internet so popular and admired.

One may ask themselves why Net Neutrality would ever stop. This reason being is that the nation’s largest telephone and cable companies (including AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner) want to control the internet in every aspect. These companies want to control how slow or fast websites run, and if certain ones will even be able to load. They also want to charge us. Take a minute to imagine what it would be like for your parents to yell at you for spending too much time on Facebook because it costs them too much money. With the loss of Net Neutrality we are losing freedom, control, access, and efficiency... everything we have become accustomed to.

Sign the Save the Internet Petition at or who knows when you’ll be able to view a blog again.

Work Cited
[1] “Frequently Asked Questions.” Save the Internet. March 2008. 10 November 2008. <>

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